Works in Flats

Works in Flats

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The lease requires that written consent must be obtained from HSRAL before carrying out any alterations to the structure, internal layout or services of the flat, so that the Directors can be sure that the lease will not be breached. Minor works may not require any special permissions, but lessees must advise the Estate Manager of all planned works in order for him to be in a position to coordinate parking, and make any special provisions for safe working and access as may be required. Any permissions or licenses that are required will be paid for, including any company expenses, by the individual lessee. 

All privately employed contractors are required to be booked in on arrival as a consequence of health and safety and fire regulations. All contractors must therefore be advised to report to reception on arrival.

Examples of works which may require special permissions may include:

  • Bathroom renovation
  • Room partitions
  • Moving existing lighting

Any works which may include proposed structural alterations of any kind must be notified in advance, as local building consents, planning permission and specialised drawings may be required. 

As well as planning permission and local building consents, electricians reports may need to be submitted and Lessees may be asked for a surveyor’s report. Lessees are advised not to undertake any work without prior written consent, as any breach of the lease will almost certainly result in the property having to be returned to the original condition at the Lessees expense. 

The following works will almost certainly require special permissions and detailed architectural and design specifications being submitted.

  • Alteration to the internal layout of the property including air-ducts
  • The removal of any doors, windows or walls, including non-load bearing walls
  • The installation of any high consumption electrical equipment, especially any planned 3-phase electrical installation
  • Any alteration to patios or balconies
  • The installation of any excessive load item, including water beds

Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015

Lessees are also advised that, following a change in the law on April 6th 2015, small domestic projects are now to be treated in the same way as large new housing developments. All builders will have to complete a Construction Phase Safety Plan, and present a Health and Safety Plan at the end of the project. This plan should include ‘as built’ drawings and specifications of components that have been installed.

Conveyancing solicitors are likely to request this when property is bought and sold, and sales could be jeopardised by the failure to produce this paperwork.