Major Works Around the Development
Major Works Around the Development
- Main
- Maintenance/Building Works
- Major Works Around the Development
Periodically major projects become necessary; for example, external maintenance and internal common parts redecorating. The Estate Manager will draw up a detailed specification, go out to tender with at least three reputable contractors and send out Consultation Notices to all lessees (as required by the Landlord & Tenant Act 1985, Section 20) containing full details of the works in question. Lessees will be advised of the detail of all planned major works including why they are required, and will be able to provide input, or request any further information as they feel necessary. All observations relating to planned works are taken into consideration before any major project is agreed and processed.
Major works costs, once agreed, are charged against the standard service charge accounts for the appropriate financial year. All but emergency works or unforeseen breakdowns have been planned into a long-term financial forecast to avoid sudden and unexpected rises in the service charge as far as this is possible. The forecast is reviewed regularly by the directors. In exceptional circumstances, normally relating to emergency works only, a single lump-sum payment request may be required to fund major unplanned works.
All works organised by HSRAL that may affect residents will normally be advised in writing in advance, or for low risk works, advisory notices may be placed on main building doors whilst works are in progress.