Maintenance of Patios, Balconies & Gardens

Maintenance of Patios, Balconies & Gardens

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Patios, balconies and gardens are demised to individual properties as shown in the drawing accompanying the lease. 

Patios and balconies require maintenance at the expense of the lessee to ensure they remain sound and allow water to run off without damaging adjoining properties. The gravelled gullies must be kept clear of soil build up which will encourage ‘bridging’, allowing water to pool on the patios. Where they are fitted, lead up-stands should be checked to ensure that they are sealed and water is not able to pass behind into the fabric of the building. The use of potted containers and grow bags increases the risk of soil build-up and should be carefully monitored. Where any alteration or modification of patios is considered, this must first be referred to HSRAL for consent due to the risk of penetration or damage to building membranes.

Gardens must be maintained neatly in order to maintain the aesthetics of the development. Certain shrubs, including Buddleia can be damaging to properties as they attack the cement content of the structure. If they are adjacent to the building, they should be removed or cultivated to restrict growth and prevent damage.